The Immersion with the Holy Spirit

Continued Study

From Introduction


Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?” –Acts 19:2


Having Believed, Did You Receive?

“One day the apostle Paul arrived at Ephesus and found certain disciples there. He didn't know who they were, so he checked them out by asking an important question: Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Spirit” (Acts 19:26). In other words, “Paul, we don't know what you are talking about. Never heard of such a thing. What is this Holy Spirit?” Paul asked them in what name or authority they were baptized. They replied that they were baptized in John's baptism, the baptism of repentance.

Paul explained to them that they should believe on the One of whom John spoke, the One who was to come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. “When they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. When Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Spirit came on them; and they spoke with tongues, and prophesied” (Acts 19:2‑6). Looking at Acts 19:2 in the original Greek language, it is literally, "Having believed, did you receive?"

If the apostle Paul were here today, I believe that he would ask that same question to "certain disciples." In fact, I believe that he would ask this question to the whole Church and to all those who say that they believe in Christ: This is a most serious question: Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?

Bible Evidences of the Baptism with the Spirit

It is very clear from prophecy, promise, and history what the evidences of the baptism with the Holy Spirit are. They include power to:

1. Have sound health (John 14:12-15; 15:7, 16; 16:23-26; Mark 9:23; 11:22-24; Rom. 8:11; 3 John 2; Matt. 8:16-17; 1 Pet. 2:24; Heb. 11:6). Sound health was even promised to Old Testament saints who had only the Spirit by "measure”—a portion (Ex. 15:26; Deut. 28; Lev. 26; Ps. 34:12-13; 37:1-10; 84:11; 91:1-15; 103:1-3; Pr. 3; 12:18; 13:3; 15:4; 18:8, 21; Isa. 58).

2. Get everything prayed for (Matt. 7:7-11; 17:21; 21:22; Mark 9:23; 11:22-24; Luke 11:1-13; 18:1-8; John 14:12-15; 15:7, 16; 16:23-26; Heb. 11:6; Jas. 1:5-8; 1 John 3:20-24; 5:12-15, Ps. 91; Isa. 58).

3. Have rivers of living water flowing out of the innermost being (John 7:37-39, Acts 2:1-4, Eph. 3:19; John 14:12; Luke 24:49).

4. Destroy the works of Satan (John 14:12; 17:18; Acts 10:38; 1 John 3:8; 4:17).

5. Bind and loose anything and forgive sins (Matt. 9:1-8; 16:18-19; 18:15-20; John 14:12-15; 15:7, 16; 16:23-26; 20:22-23; Mark 9:23; 11:22-24).

6. Be immune from poisons and have power over wild beasts—over your enemy (Mark 1:13; 16:18; Luke 10:19; John 14:12; Acts 28:3-6; Ps. 91:1-16).

7. Do works as great as and even greater than did Christ (John 14:12; Luke 4:16-21, 24:49, Acts 5:12-16; 9:17-18; 10:38; 19:1-29; Rom. 1:11; 15:18-29).

8. Speak with "stammering lips and another tongue" and "new tongues" (Isa. 28:9-12; Mark 16:17; John 15:26; 16:13-16; Acts 2:1-13, 34-39; 10:44-48; 19:1-7). Compare Acts 9:17 with 1 Cor. 14:18 and Isa. 28:9-12 with 1 Cor. 14:21-22.

9. Cast out demons (Mark 16:17; Luke 24:49; John 14:12; Acts 1:8; 8:7; 16:18; 19:11-17; Rom. 15:18-29, Heb. 2:4).

10. Heal everyone prayed for (Matt. 4:24; 8:16-17; 9:35; 12:15; 14:34; 21:14; Luke 4:40; 6:19; 9:6; John 14:12; Acts 2:43; 3:6; 4:10, 30, 33; 5:12-16; 6:3-8; 8:4-12; 9:34; 10:38; 11:21; 14:8-10, 19-20; 15:4, 12; 19:11-21; 28:1-10; Rom. 15:18-29; Heb. 2:3-4; Jas. 5:14-16).

11. Cleanse the lepers (Matt. 8:1-4; John 14:12; Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8).

12. Raise the dead (John 11; 14:12; Acts 9:40; 20:9-10).

13. Control the elements and to do all kinds of miracles (John 14:12-15; 15:7, 16; Luke 24:49; 1 Cor. 12:4-11; 2 Tim. 2:21; Heb. 2:3-4; Mark 9:23; 11:22-24).

14. To execute judgment—justice  (John 14:12; Acts 5:1-11; 13:6-12; 1 Cor. 4:21; 5:1-5).

15. Exercise all the gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor. 12:4-11; Rom. 12:4-8; 1 Cor. 1:7).

16. To impart spiritual gifts to others (Rom. 1:11; 1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6; Heb. 6:2).

17. To impart the baptism in the Spirit to others (Acts 8:17; 9:17; 19:1-7).

18. Exercise unlimited authority in the fullness of God (Luke 24:49; John 14:12; 15:7, 16; Mark 9:23; 11:22-24; 16:15-20; Matt. 17:20; 21:22; Acts 2:43; 3:6; 4:10-16, 29-33; 5:1-16; 6:3-8; 8:5-20; 9:17-18, 32-43; 11:21; 13:6-12; 14:3, 8-20, 27; 15:4, 12; 16:16-34; 19:1-20; 20:9-12; 28:1-10; Rom. 1:11; 15:18-19, 29; 1 Cor. 1:7, 18-24; 2:1-5; 4:19-21; 5:1-5; 9:18; 12:1-31; 13:1-3; 14:1-40; 16:10; 2 Cor. 3:6-18; 4:7; 5:20; 6:7; 10:3-11; 12:9, 12; 13:4, 10; Gal. 3:3-5, 14; Eph. 1:19-20; 3:7, 19-20; 6:10; Phil. 4:9; Col. 1:11; 2:10; 1 Thess. 1:5; 2:13; 2 Thess. 1:11; 2:17; 1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6-8, 14; 2:21; 3:5; Tit. 2:14; Heb. 2:3-4; 6:2; Jas. 2:18; 5:14-16; 2 Pet. 2:4).


Jesus, teaching Nicodemus on being born again, compared the moving of the Spirit with the moving of the wind. The wind moves where it will. You can't see from where it comes or where it is going. In the same way, one cannot predict or control the moving of the Spirit. We don't know when the Spirit will move or to whom He will give this new life from above, but whenever and however it happens, the Spirit of God comes to make His home in the life of the believer. When Jesus was teaching on the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, He said: If a person loves Me, he will keep My words: and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him, and make our abode with him (John 14:23, emphasis added).

The Holy Spirit is the abiding presence of the Father and the Son within the life of a follower of Jesus the Christ.

It is the work of God the Father to draw people to Christ (Jn. 6:44). When a person becomes born-again, it is the Holy Spirit who does the work of regenerating the heart. He convicts of sin and righteousness and judgment (justice) and calls people to repentance (Jn. 16:8‑11). Titus 3:5 says, Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.

John the Baptist explains the necessity of being baptized unto repentance and to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, recorded above. The other place in Scripture where fire is mentioned in the context of the coming of the Spirit is Acts 2:3: And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

Fire is a symbol of the Holy Spirit regarding the burning of the impurities within your heart, so that you can be filled with His Spirit. “You shall receive power, after the Holy Spirit is come upon you” (Acts 1:8a, emphasis added). The power of the Holy Spirit is needed to witness for Christ and to live an effectual Christian life, because we do not have the strength to do it on our own. The power comes from His presence within us. Acts 10:38 tells us that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all who were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him.

God was with His Son by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Now, with the Holy Spirit's presence, Jesus had the power to heal and drive out demons. Jesus was aware of the power of the Spirit flowing through Him. After a woman touched the hem of His garment in order to be healed, Jesus knew that power had gone out of him (Mk. 5:30). If Jesus needed to be anointed through the power of the Holy Spirit to do the work of the heavenly Father, what does that say for you and me? Hello!

An illustration from the Old Testament

The children of Israel worshiped in a portable tabernacle during their time in the wilderness. The tabernacle was comprised of the outer court, the inner court, and the Holy of Holies. Most of the people stayed in the outer court, while others entered the inner court for service. A veil hung between the inner court and the Holy of Holies. Once a year the high priest could enter into the Holy of Holies, which contained the Mercy Seat, where the blood was applied seven times to make atonement for the sins of the people. The Mercy Seat symbolized the throne of God, or as it says in Hebrews 4, the throne of grace. By the finished work of Christ, believers can now enter into the Holy of Holies, into the very presence of God. The blood applied provides the grace to come into His presence to praise and worship Him. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way… (Hebrews 10: 19‑20a).

Applying this truth to the church, many believers remain in the outer court, which is like being born again, some move onto service into the inner court where they become busy with work and activities, while others move into the Holy of Holies where the Spirit of God dwells, from which flows the living water of grace. The Holy of Holies represents that deeper spiritual life that believers are to enter into, which Jesus spoke of as the "Abundant Life." Joy and power come from living in that deeper spiritual life which comes from dwelling in the presence of God where the glory is. As we behold the glory of the Lord, we are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). Believers are called to become more and more like Christ who created this new life within them (Col 3:10).

Jesus taught His disciples that the Spirit of Truth dwells with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you (Jn. 14:17b‑18). Believers are blessed by the infilling presence of the Holy Spirit. Every blessing we know and have comes from the throne of grace, because God is the God of all grace (1 Pet 5:10). He lifts up Christ within us, gives us faith to believe, leads us into all truth, fills us with His power to live the victorious Christian life, intercedes to the Father on our behalf, and empowers us to proclaim Christ and to do His work in the world.

The Flow of Grace

The flow of grace began in the heart of God and was accomplished at the cross in the shedding of blood. There is no grace without the blood sacrifice. The grace of God, shed abroad in our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit, began in the heart of God; it was accomplished at the cross; it sprang to life at the resurrection; and then came upon the believers who were gathered in the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost, so that they were all filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4).

To be baptized with the Holy Spirit, it has to be taught before it can be understood; it has to be understood before it can be believed; and it has to be believed before it can be received.

Today, many Christians are missing the power and joy of the Holy Spirit. In their minds and hearts they believe in Christ and have been baptized by water. They may also be actively involved in a fellowship of believers. That is good—so far. But why are believers living joyless and unfruitful lives? Where is the power of the Holy Spirit manifested in witnessing for Christ?

The answer is simple: the power available to be baptized with the Holy Spirit is not taught. We cannot apply that which we do not have or know. It is very important to understand the Biblical teaching of the work of the Holy Spirit. Its truths will open your eyes to the richness and blessedness of living your life in the power of the Holy Spirit. Many lives stop growing into the fullness of Christ because the life in His Spirit is not understood.

Jesus Depended on the Holy Spirit, Who Was Promised to His Followers

“And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the Devil, for God was with Him.” – Acts 10:38

“Then John [the Baptist] testified, "I saw the Holy Spirit descending like a dove from heaven and resting upon Him [Jesus]. I didn't know He was the one, but when God sent me to baptize with water, He told me, 'When you see the Holy Spirit descending and resting upon someone, He is the one you are looking for. He is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.'” – John 1:32-33

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me [Jesus], because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised…” – Luke 4:18

“But if I [Jesus] cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.” – Matthew 12:28

“And I [Jesus] will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter [Advocate], that He may abide with you for ever. …But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. …When the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceeds from the Father, He shall testify of [tell you all about] me…” – John 14:16, 26; 15:26

“When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not be presenting His own ideas; He will be telling you what He has heard. He will tell you about the future.” – Jesus at John 16:13

“He will bring me [Jesus] glory by revealing to you whatever He receives from me.” – John 16:14

“But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and will tell people about me [Jesus] everywhere – in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." – Acts 1:8

“I [John the Baptist] indeed have baptized you with water, but He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” – Mark 1:8

“For John [the Baptist] truly baptized with water; but you all shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit in just a few days.” – Jesus at Acts 1:5

“And now I [Jesus] will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and endues you with power from on high [heaven].” – Luke 24:49

“And when the day of Pentecost had fully come, they [Jesus’ disciples] were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues [in other languages], as the Spirit gave them utterance.” – Acts 2:1-4

“(When He [Jesus] said ‘living water,’ He was speaking of the Spirit, who should be given to everyone believing on Him. But the Holy Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified [had not yet entered into his glory].) – John 7:39

“Now He [Jesus] sits on the throne of highest honor in heaven, at God's right hand. And the Father, as he had promised, gave Him the Holy Spirit to pour out upon us, just as you see and hear today.” – Acts 2:33

“They [unbelievers] were all amazed and marveled. ‘How can this be?’ they exclaimed. ‘These people are all from Galilee, and yet we hear them speaking the languages of the lands where we were born! Here we are – Parthians, Medes, Elamites, people from Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, the province of Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, and the areas of Libya toward Cyrene, visitors from Rome (both Jews and converts to Judaism), Cretans, and Arabians. And we all hear these people speaking in our own languages about the wonderful things God has done!’” – Acts 2:7-11

“'In the last days,’ God said, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.’” – Acts 2:17; Joel 2:28

“For this promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all who are afar off, and even to as many as the Lord our God shall call.” – Acts 2:39

“If you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?” – Jesus at Luke 11:13

Baptism in the Holy Spirit Endues the Believer With Power From On High

….And they [Jesus’ disciples] were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues [in other languages], as the Spirit gave them utterance.” – Acts 2:4

“As soon as they [Peter and John] arrived, they prayed that these new Christians might receive the Holy Spirit.” – Acts 8:15

“Then Peter and John laid their hands upon these believers, and they received the Holy Spirit.” – Acts 8:17

So Ananias went and found Saul. He laid his hands on him and said, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road, has sent me so that you may get your sight back and be filled with the Holy Spirit." – Acts 9:17

“Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who had heard the message.” – Acts 10:44

“The Jewish believers who came with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out upon the Gentiles, too. And there could be no doubt about it, for they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God…” – Acts 10:45-46

“…Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?…” – Acts 19:2

“Then when Paul laid his hands on them [the disciples at Ephesus], the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in other tongues and prophesied.” – Acts 19:6

“But the time is coming and is already here when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for anyone who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” – Jesus at John 4:23-24

“But you, dear friends, must continue to build your lives on the foundation of your holy faith. And continue to pray in the Holy Spirit.” – Jude 20

“The fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives is love, joy, peace, longsuffering [patience], gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance [self control]; against such there is no law.” – Galatians 5:22-23

“Though I speak in any language in heaven or on earth and have not charity (love), I would only be making meaningless noise like a loud gong or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity (love), I am nothing.” – 1 Corinthians 13:1-2

“And in any event, you should desire the most helpful gifts. First, however, let me tell you about something else that is a more excellent way! …Let charity (love) be your highest goal, and also desire the special abilities the Holy Spirit gives, especially the gift of prophecy.” – 1 Corinthians 12:31; 14:1

“'In the last days,’ God said, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.’” – Acts 2:17; Joel 2:28

“How is it then my fellow believers? When you meet together, every one of you has a song, has a teaching, has a tongue, has some special revelation God has given, has a tongue [speaks in an unknown language], has an interpretation. Let all that is done strengthen you all in the Lord.” – 1 Corinthians 14:26

“Through the work of Christ Jesus, God has blessed the Gentiles with the same blessing He promised to Abraham, so that we who are true believers might receive the promise of the Holy Spirit through faith.” – Galatians 3:14

Importance of the Spirit-Baptism

If the chief purpose of the Spirit-baptism is to endue men with power to accomplish what is stated above, then it is the all-important experience of believers today. Jesus commanded His disciples to teach all nations throughout this age "to observe ALL things whatsoever I have commanded you" (Matt. 28:20). That being baptized in the Spirit was a definite command to them is clear from Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-5. If it was a command for them to be baptized in the Spirit it still is commanded of men, for we are still in this age. Such an enduement of power for service is promised to every believer in the most simple language possible (Matt. 3:11; Luke 11:13; 24:49; John 1:31-34; 7:37-39; 14:12-17, 26, 15:26; 16:13-15; Mark 16:15-20; Acts 1:4-8; 2:16-21, 38-39; 5:32; 19:17). In fact, it is one of the two things for which Christ died (Gal. 3:14).

Jesus made it very clear to the disciples that it was imperative that they be baptized in the Spirit before going out to evangelize the world (Luke 24:40; John 14:12, 17; 16:7-15; Acts 1:4-8). Only one hundred and twenty of many hundreds of followers of Jesus (1 Cor. 15:6) felt it was necessary to obey (Acts 1:4-5; 12-15) and these are the only ones who received the enduement of power at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-33).

The Spirit-baptism was promised only to saved men and women after they had repented (changed direction and attitude), were baptized in water, were obedient to God, and had asked for it as a child of God (Matt. 3:11; John 1:31-34; 14:12-17, 26; 15:26; 16:13-15; Acts 1:4-8; 2:38-39; 5:32; Luke 11:7-13).

For one to receive this power today is even more needful, for there are infinitely more demon possessed people, more sick and diseased people, more false doctrines, more false teachers, and more divisions among Christians than at any other time in history. The Word of God needs confirmation today as before to convince men of the truth. This is the greatest need of the modern church, and if God could get people to believe in these things again and "tarry until" as people did of old we would again see mighty works of power and a new type of Christianity. Let no person complain of the lack of power to win souls, heal the sick, and do the works of Christ. Instead, let every one again seek God "till he come and rain righteousness" on us (Hosea 10:12); and God will show again His mighty works (Jer. 33:3); and "hear from heaven" and forgive and heal as of old (2 Chron. 7:14; Luke 24:49; Mark 16:15-20).

Continual Dedication

In contrast with the Spirit of the Lord coming upon David from that day forward (1 Samuel 16:13), the same Holy Spirit departed from Saul, and an evil spirit troubled him (1 Samuel 16:14).  This is evidence again that one who returns to sin may lose the Holy Spirit.  Saul lost Him after having Him on his life for several years (1 Samuel 10:6,9-13; 1 Samuel 11:6; 1 Samuel 13:1).  David believed such was possible, for he prayed for God not to take the Spirit from him (Psalm 51:11).  Lucifer, fallen angels, demons, Adam and Eve, and many others are examples of sin causing one to lose what he has been given by the Lord.

There is no such thing as once baptized in the Spirit always baptized in the Spirit, any more than once saved always saved; once in grace always in grace; once healed always healed; once alive always alive; once in sin always in sin, once a child of the devil always a child of the devil; or once full of chicken always full of chicken. No such principle exists. Common sense alone teaches us that certain conditions must be met continuously in order to maintain any position in life or in God. If it takes a complete submission, and yieldedness to God to be wholly possessed with the Spirit, it will take this consecration daily to maintain a life in all the fullness of God.

If one wants to always be in grace and be saved, let him stay in grace and stay saved. If one wants to always be a child of the devil, let him continue in sin. And if one wants to always be full of chicken, let him meet the conditions of such a state and we all know what he would have to do. If one ever gets baptized in the Spirit s/he must constantly maintain this place in God or s/he will lose the spiritual anointing.


The Holy Spirit can fill you even now as you pray the words of this song:

Fill me now, fill me now

Jesus come and fill me now;

Fill me with thy

hallow'd presence,

come, oh, come, and fill me now.

—Rev. E. H. Stokes, D.D.”

The Wind in Your Sails

“When you and I have been born again, we are given a measure of the Holy Spirit that transforms our human spirit from spiritual death to spiritual life. (See John 20:22-23.)

“But Paul writes that this is not enough. We must also “be filled with the Spirit.” (See Ephesians 5:18.) The form of the verb filled here is in present continuous, which means “to be filled,” like wind filling a sail, making the ship move.

“Matthew 25:1-2 states, ‘Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish.’ The foolish virgins had just enough of the Holy Spirit to get through normal times. When they reached the limit of what was needed to get along in the world, they had no more. The wise virgins had supplies in excess of what they needed.

“It is not one filling at one time but a continuous, moment-by-moment filling, all the time, moving you forward in God’s will for your life.”

Michael Davis Evans, Founder Jerusalem Prayer Team

Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Church

“Now concerning Spiritual gifts, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be ignorant.” 

(1 Corinthians 12:1)


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Thank you Finnis Dake, Dake Ministries and its inspired book entitled, God’s Plan for Man