Modern Experiences Unsafe to Follow


From How to Access Healing From God and Keep It






God has definitely made many promises concerning every known need for the human life in the here and now as well as for the life that is to come. And that all His children can be happy and healthy. To accomplish this, He has given us all the resources we need—His Word, His Spirit, the precious spilled blood and beaten body of His Son, Jesus the Christ, as well as His church body. God has restored a legal, just, and practical way of successful happy living in this cursed world system. That is good news!

GOOD NEWS! Healing, Health, Wellness, Peace, and Wholeness—Already Paid For in Full

In the midst of this cursed, fraudulent world system, the Bible teaches that we can live cured, healed, repaired, delivered from emotional, mental, and physical issues and their power, and made whole, sound, well, and healthy. This is always the will of God for His children. And Jesus already paid for it in full.

“Beloved, I pray above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” – 3 John 1:2 KJV  

God has made us a sacred pledge to reverse our emotional, mental, and physical issues. That is good news!

(James 5:14-16; see also Exodus 15:26; 23:25; Psalm 91; 103:3; 105:37; 107:20; Isaiah 53:4-5; 58:8; 61; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24; or this comprehensive study.)

God’s New Testament Covenant of Healing, Health, and Wellness

The Holy Spirit through James informs us of God's New Testament Covenant of Healing. This covenant, reported at James 5:14-16, graciously states that when we meet His terms, God has obligated Himself to heal all our mortal bodily ailments—our emotional, mental, and physical issues.

"Is any among you with sickness [unhealth]? They should call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. And their prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make them well. And if they have committed sins, they shall be forgiven. [So] confess your sins and pray for one another that you may be healed."   (James 5:14-16)  

          God has made a sacred agreement (covenant contract) with His people to heal them
(James 5:14-16)

          Made with any who believe (trust in, rely) on Jesus the Christ

          Given in two parts

1.    Instructions

          Any with issues


2.    Promises

Instructions for Any with Issues 

1.    Call on (summon) the elders of the church   (James 5:14-15)

2.    Confess relevant sins if committed   
(Jas. 5:14-16; 1 Jn. 1:9; Ps. 66:18; Pr. 28:13; Isa. 59:2; Jn. 5:14)

3.    Be anointed with oil in the name of the Lord (be altogether dedicated & consecrated to God for His service)  
(Jas.5:14; see also Lev.8:10-12; Ex.4:23a; 7:16; 8:1, 20; 9:13; 10:3, 11, 26; 12:31; 30:22-33; Lk.9:23; Rom.12:1; 1 Cor.6:20; 2 Cor.5:15; 1 Thess.5:23)

4.    Let the Elders pray over (declaring God’s will be done as it is in heaven)
(Jas.5:14,15; Lk. 11:2; Ex.15:26; Ps. 91:1-3; 6-16; Is.53:3-4; Mt.8:16-17; 3 John 2)

5.    Continue belief and stand firmly in it    
(Col.1:23; Mk.11:22-24; 1 Jn.5:14-15; Rom.1:17; 14:23b; Gal.3:7; 5:6; Heb.10:35-36; 3:14; 4:14; 1 Pet.1:5)


1.    Healing by direct Divine agency

          When the prayer of faith is proclaimed and the name of Jesus Christ invoked, the Lord shall heal the one of issues and make them well    
(Jas.5:15,16; Ex. 3:17; Mt.18:19; 21:22; Mk.11:24)

2.    Forgiveness if s/he has sinned    (Jas.5:15,16)

          Healing and forgiveness go hand in hand
(Ps.103:2-3; Is.53:4-5; Matt.8:16-17; 9:5; 13:15; Acts 3:16; 4:12; 28:27; 1 Pet.2:24)


Healing by direct Divine agency

          See Acts 6:3-8 for the qualifications for elders

          This power to heal is promised to every committed believer, not only the elders of the church
(Mt.17:20; 21:22; Mk.9:23; 11:22-24; 16:15-20; Jn.14:12-15; 15:7,16; 16:23-26)

Instructions to Elders or to Faith-ful Praying for Any with Issues 

1.    Anoint them with oil (dedicate & consecrate them to God alone for His service)
(Jas.5:14; see also Lev.8:10-12; Ex.4:23a; 7:16; 8:1, 20; 9:13; 10:3, 11, 26; 12:31; 30:22-33; Lk.9:23; Rom.12:1; 1 Cor.6:20; 2 Cor.5:15; 1 Thess.5:23)

2.    Invoke the name of the Lord   (Jas.5:14)

3.    Declare the prayer of faith; having faith in God alone, nothing wavering  
(Jas.5:14,15; 1:6; see also Mk.11:22-24; 1 Jn.5:14-15; Rom.1:17; 1 Pet.1:5)

Reliably pray one for another   (Jas.5:16)

Thus it is very clear that healing is just as easy to receive from God as forgiveness of sins. Healing is part of your salvation; do not be cheated out of it any more than you permit yourself to be cheated out of forgiveness of sins. See also Psalm 103:3.

“Jesus personally carried away our sins in His body to the cross that we, having died to sins might live the right way; by Jesus Christ’s stripes [wounds] you were healed” (1 Peter 2:24).

This is completely contrary to the fraudulent, cursed world system—what we, as well as health care practitioners, have been programmed to believe (Isa.29:14; 1 Cor.1:18-28; Col.2:17-3:3; Prv.3:5-8).

Modern Experiences Unsafe to Follow

One preacher writes, "What difference does it make if we are sick or if we are well, just so we are what we are for the glory of God. It is not a pleasant thing to be sick. The writer knows, for he has suffered eighteen years with that dreadful affliction - arthritis. Even now, as I write this book, I know what pain and suffering is, and know what it is to have burning joints, aches and pain. I know what it is to have sleepless nights and a weak body. But why should I complain because I have arthritis, why should I rebel against God's plan and God's will for my life? If God can get more glory by my being sick and afflicted, Amen! . . . through my afflictions I have been used of God to lead many souls to Christ.... Some of God's greatest soul winners have weak bodies, and are sickly."

What wonderful teaching! The very devil himself could not give better teaching to the church to suit his purpose than this preacher has given. The devil is highly pleased with such leaven in our Christian church and in gospel (?) literature. This is purely one of the doctrines of the demons that Paul predicted would be followed in the last days (1 Tim. 4; 2 Tim. 3:5).

This same preacher and thousands like him are reaping the fruit of their own teaching. If I taught that God gets glory out of sickness, pain, failure, and needless sufferings that glorify Satan more than God, I would want to become more sick in order to get deeper in the will of God in order to glorify God all the more. But this preacher says that he has had three operations and has spent much money in trying to get well. By his own teachings wouldn't we have a right to conclude that he is trying to get well in order to get out of the will of God and in order to rob God of the glory that He gets by having His children sick? What utter fallacy!

God is Glorified More by Healthy Bodies

What difference does it make whether a child of God is sick or well? It makes all the difference in the world. God can naturally get more glory out of healing than in refusing to heal. He can get more glory out of well bodies that can labor more for Him than out of sick, sinful, painful, helpless bodies that can only lay around groaning under the so-called loving-kindness of God. He can get more glory out of people who demonstrate by their lives that God is alive and answers prayer; and out of healing bodies and thus proving to the world that God does care and make provision for the welfare of His people. The above-mentioned preacher has suffered needlessly for eighteen years and has caused perhaps thousands of people to become unbelievers in God and in answered prayer by his testimony that God has not heard his prayer and has permitted him to suffer that long. Suppose he has led a few souls to Christ in spite of, not because of his suffering, would he not have won many more to Christ if he had been well enough to devote more time and strength to winning souls? Any cripple can do some things in spite of his handicap, but how much more could he do if he was not so helpless? So it is with deceived Christians who are content to carry about in their bodies the works of the devil just because they get a little Christian work done.

Christians are Deceived by Satan

The devil is a slick one. He not only makes people sick but he makes them believe that his work in them is the work of God and the will of God and that such glorifies the heavenly Father. He gets people to teach that because some souls are saved through people who suffer that it must be the will of God for them to be in this state or souls would not be saved. He gets them to believe that sick people can win more souls than well people. He gets them to teach everyone they can to accept sickness and needless sufferings as the will of God because God blesses them in such unbelieving, helpless, sickly, and defeated condition.

It is Time to Wake Up

My friends, sooner or later we are going to have to wake up to such deceptions of the devil and why not do it now, once and forever? Let us throw off such a yoke of bondage and such slanderous teaching against God and His truth. Let us reject such unscriptural theories that cause us to spend sleepless nights, suffer untold pain and agony, and be defeated by the demons of Hell who blame God for their own work. God gives His beloved sleep, sweet sleep, and not sleepless and painful nights (Ps. 4:8; 127:12; Prov. 3:21-24). God wants His workers to be free from burning joints, aches, and pain, so they can carry on His work (Ps. 91; 103:1-4; Matt. 7:7-11; 21:21-22; Mark 9:23; 11:22-24; John 14:12-15: 15:7, 16; 16:23-26; 2 Cor 1:20). For God to will otherwise or refuse to make health provisions for His workers is to place Him on a lower and more inhuman and unjust plane than ordinary business corporations which make the best provisions possible for their workers so that they can get the highest degree of service out of them.

God wants every child of God and even sinners to rebel against sin, sickness, pain, want, and poverty in life as not being the will and plan of God for man. So when preachers resign to the work of the devil in them to the point where they seek to get others to become resigned to accept the work of the devil as the work of God, we are in need of better and more enlightened leadership in Christendom. It is not God's plan or will that any should be sick and defeated in life. God cannot get more glory out of anyone who is in this state than if he were free from these hell-destroying forces. It is a lie that any person can win more souls for God while under physical handicaps than he could if he were free from such. Just because some sickly people might work for God more than some well persons and thereby win more souls than do those who are well does not prove that one can win more souls to God while he is sick than if he was well. This is just another trick of the devil to deceive people.

Christ is Our Example in Life

Jesus Christ is our example and not some modern unbelieving, deceived preacher who seeks to hide his failure and his unbelief by such theories as those above. Jesus was not a sickly, helpless human being. He was full of life and vitality. He knew no sin and experienced no sickness until the time He bore the sins and sicknesses of all men in His own body on the cross (Matt. 8:16,17; 1 Pet. 2:24; Isa.53). If not one apostle or one Christian at any time in this whole age ever got the full benefits of the gospel or followed the example of Christ to the letter, Jesus would still be the one to pattern after, for "as he is, so are we in this world" (1 John 4:4, 17; 1 Pet. 2:21). Every Christian can get what he wants from God just as Jesus did (Matt. 7:7-11, 21:21-23; Mark 9:23; 11:22-24- John 15:7, 16).

Jesus taught us that God is more loving and good to His children than earthly parents are (Matt. 7:7-11; Luke 11:1-13). James taught us that every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights and that God would give all things liberally to them that would ask in faith (James 1:4-21). Paul taught that men can have all the gifts of the Holy Spirit and that they do not need to "come behind" in any gift from God (1 Cor. 1:7; 12:1-11). He taught that all the promises of God are yes and amen to them wo believe (2 Cor. 1:20), that people can be filled with all the fullness of God and get what they want from God (Eph. 1:3-19; 3:13-20; 6:10-18), and that people can get from God exceeding abundantly above all that they ask or think (Eph. 3:20; Phil. 1:6; 4:5-7). The sufferings that He taught that Christians had gone through and to which he referred to in writings were the persecutions from enemies of the gospel and not sicknesses and pains from the devil.

We covet for you the simple faith and the true knowledge of the truth so that you can be made free from every work of the devil, every spirit of bondage, and every fallacy that so many people consider to be of God. If you will read the references themselves you can see that we are sticking to what is plainly written in the Bible. You are getting the full truth of God's Word on every question. The responsibility of getting the benefits promised by God is up to you as an individual. If you fail to get what is for you do not blame God. Always clear Him of all wrong whatever you do. God does not fail people nor go back on His Word, so if you fail to get what God has promised be honest to acknowledge the source of your trouble as being from demons and from unbelief and failure on your part to conform to truth.




Our Need to Appropriate What God Has Provided




What does the Bible's New Testament teach about diet or nutrition?




What does the Bible's New Testament say about exercise?




What about the man born blind?




More Than Thirty Proofs Unhealth Is the Devil’s Work





The Rest of the Story

How To Access Healing From God and Keep It even when the issue is genetic or inherited





What Divine Healing and Health is Not

It is not healing and health by natural remedies, imagination, will power, personal magnetism, metaphysics, spiritualism, immunity from death, presumption, insubordination to God's will, mind over matter, denial of the plain facts of sin, health issues, and disease, or natural healing by inherent laws and creative powers in humankind's body (i.e. our God-given immune systems, endocrine systems, ‘lymph systems, limbic systems, etc.)

“I AM Jehovah-Raphah – your ‘Physician.’”  —God at Exodus 15:26


The (false) suspicion that we can somehow be separated from God’s love is the root of every form of fear, stress, or anxiety, and the cure for it is knowing that nothing can tear us from God’s love, ever.


How To Access Healing From God and Keep It even when the issue is genetic or inherited




The plan of God is to end evil and suffering forever (Exodus 20:5-6; 34:6-7; Numbers 14:18-20; Deuteronomy 5:9-10; Jeremiah 32:18; Psalm 34:15-16; Proverbs 1:24-33; Ezekiel 18:21-23; Matthew 5:44; John 3:16, 17; Romans 6:16-23; 8:12-13; 11:11-29; 12:14; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; 15:24-28; 2 Corinthians 3:16-17; 6:9-11; Galatians 5:16-24; 6:7-8; Hebrews 6:4-9; 10:26-29; 2 Peter 2:9, 20-21; Revelation 21-22).

The ultimate purpose of God in all His present dealings with man is to bring him back to the place where he was before the fall (beloved fellowship) and free him of all possibility of failing in the future. “The object and purpose of our instruction and charge is that all believers would be filled with [benevolent] love that comes from a pure heart, and a clear conscience, and genuine faith.”  —1 Timothy 1:5




Thank you Finnis Dake Ministries and their book entitled God’s Plan for Man