Kinds of Faith From
Faith—How to
Co-operate With the Living Loving God The Context “The object and purpose of our instruction and charge is that all believers would be filled with charity (love) that comes from a pure heart, and a clear conscience, and genuine faith.” —1 Timothy 1:5 All progress in the Christian life is by trusting (faith). “This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his
sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by trusting (faith). As the
Scriptures say, The just shall live by trust (faith).” – Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Habakkuk
2:4 Kinds
of Faith
There are several kinds of faith mentioned in Scripture, of which the following list will be helpful in arriving at the kind of faith one should have: 1. COMMON
FAITH (Titus 1:4). It is called "the mutual faith" (Rom. 2. WEAK
FAITH (Rom. If the devil cannot get men to
commit great sins that are forbidden in Scripture, he will urge
honest-hearted people to go to the extreme and condemn this or that in
personal liberties that are not strictly condemned by God. Multitudes today
go to the utter extreme and condemn in some degree almost every phase of
human living. The law of Scripture concerning anything that is not definitely
forbidden by God in Scripture is: "He that doubteth is damned if he eat,
because he eateth not in faith: for WHATSOEVER IS NOT OF FAITH IS SIN" (Rom.
Christian law of love to others is: "Let us therefore follow after the
things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. For
meat destroy not the work of God. All things are pure; but IT IS EVIL
FAITH (Rom. This is the
kind of faith all men should have and could have if they would only persuade
themselves that God is true to His Word. Most men claim that they have faith
in God to this extent, and not one wants to say boldly that He is a liar and
that He will not do as He said, but when it comes to exercising faith that
will not doubt or waver in prayer, very few will maintain such a strong faith
and thank God for the answer even before it is realized. Very few will simply
refuse to question or waver in the least when it seems that things are going
contrary to what has been asked of God. This is exactly why they do not get
definite answers from God. There is no person who will exercise faith as
strong as that of Abraham who will go very long without an answer from God.
Such a thing, that God would refuse one who came to Him in such unwavering
faith is literally impossible and unheard of (James 1:5-8; Heb. 4. LITTLE
FAITH (Matt. 6.
UNFEIGNED FAITH (1 Tim. 1:5; 2 Tim. 1:5). This faith is the kind that knows
no hypocrisy, sham, or counterfeit. It is the kind that does not brag or put
on outward show, that it is real. It is simply genuine and real and sincere
in its every aspect. It proceeds out of a pure heart and from a good
conscience, as stated in these Scriptures. It is not hereditary, although in 2
Tim. 1:5 Paul speaks of it as being in three successive generations. It is
the kind that all honest, pure, and sincere men have. It is the unselfish,
holy, and godly kind that naturally increases in the life of every true child
of God, as he grows in grace and knowledge (2 Pet. 1:4-9; 7.
TEMPORARY FAITH (Luke Some teach
that this cannot happen, but it does in spite of the so-called impossibility
of falling away from the faith and being renewed in repentance again. Some
teach that one cannot fall from the faith, but Jesus certainly said that some
would "receive the word with joy; and these have no root, WHICH FOR A
WHILE BELIEVE, and in time of temptation FALL AWAY" (Matt. 13:20-21; Luke
8:13). Paul speaks of these as those who "concerning faith have made
shipwreck" (1 Tim. 8.
FAITH (James True faith is not mental assent to truth as a fact. Most people have such assent. Men will believe that God is able, that He has promised to do certain things, and that He would if true faith were exercised, but there is little effort put forth to co-operate with God or to get what He has promised. It is merely a mental assent to truth without active faith in it. It is the kind of faith that will turn to every source of help but God, and at the same time maintain that it does believe in God and His Word. It is just like believing that food is good without ever eating to get the benefits from it. Mental assent, or passive faith, is one of the most dangerous enemies of true faith in God. It claims all the faith in the world and is satisfied easily with either anything or with nothing from God. If it does not get what it wants, it does not care. It would accept something from God if He would come personally and lay the answer in the lap and beg one to keep the gift, but apart from this there is little or no effort put forth to act in faith concerning anything God has promised. Mental faith may go as far as to maintain belief in every truth and in every part of God's program, and it may even claim to be contending for certain benefits; yet it dares not act upon the promises of God. 10. ACTIVE FAITH (James 2:14-26; Heb. 10:19-38). This is the kind that acts upon the Word of God as it is made clear. James put it this way: "shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works." All men must have this faith to get anything from God. As long as faith is purely mental and passive no action will be taken to obey the truth. Men must get beyond the stage of hearing and into the act of doing what God says before they get results. Active living faith moves to obey every truth of God to the letter and to appropriate what God has promised. It acts as if the things that are not seen are a reality. It is quick to provide works to prove that it is sincere and obedient. Think of having a real, active, living faith of your own! Imagine the thrill of having your own prayers answered! As I write I have on my desk a large stack of letters marked "Testimony." These letters, which have been received in recent months, tell how God has answered prayer. People hear the radio programs and are inspired to take God at His Word. As they act they are answered. One lady says that she had been sick for ten long years and had not done any of her housework. She heard me say on the air that if you will believe God and refuse to be sick and defeated, you can have whatever you want. She said, "I acted upon the Word and got out of bed and God met my faith. I have been doing my work ever since." Another one is so thrilled that her prayers have been answered three times from laying her hands on the radio and praying with us. Many more are deeply stirred to new life and deeper consecrations because they are learning to act upon the Word. Multitudes
of people have never had an answer to prayer, and they are missing the
greatest blessings of life by such neglect. Most people depend upon others to
get answers for them. They pray, as they think, but they want someone else to
do the believing. In reality, they are not praying. They are merely saying
words and going through a form of prayer. True New Testament praying is
always heard of God, and the answer is always sure. God has planned that all
men should have this kind of faith and results. "These signs shall
follow them that believe," and "all things are possible to him that
believeth" (Mark Faith can be developed into a mighty living force that will know no defeat. You can know that you are master of all demon powers and circumstances through Jesus Christ. You no longer need be a slave to fear, timidity, weakness, failure, sickness, poverty, helplessness, and despair. You can be a conqueror in the very things wherein you have suffered defeat. "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you" (John 15:7, 16). Again, "He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing" (John 15:5). You must awake to the consciousness of the new life you have in Christ. As a branch, you have His life, His health, His power, His love, and His nature flowing through you. You are the fruit-bearing part of Christ in the Earth. You are in Him and He is in you. You have His words abiding in you, giving you faith for whatsoever you ask. You have as much right in Him to be asking and receiving from God as He had. You have a right to expect the same answers from God that He got. You represent God here as He did, so do not be satisfied to go without the benefits that He died to give to you. You are commanded to be a doer of the Word, and this means ask and receive. You are not to be merely a hearer. You are not deceiving yourself when you act upon the Word. It will be confirmed, for it is truth. It must be a living, active faith, not a mere mental passive something that all sinners can have. You are in Christ, and as God's child and heir you have the authority to act on the Word. You are a fruit-bearer, a producer for God, so get busy and produce for Him according to His Word. 11.
WAVERING FAITH (James 1:5-8). This is faith doubting God and refusing to
believe. Truly to believe and to have faith is to act on the Word. It means
taking what is already yours. To believe on Jesus means to take Him for all
that the Bible declares Him to be. It means that you take salvation from sin,
healing for the body, answers to your prayers, and all that He died to bring
to you. Believing is an act of the will. When you really believe you have
acted. You have taken the necessary step to get what you want from God. Faith
is action in counting those things that be not as though they were (Rom. A wavering faith is called double-mindedness, a constant change of the mind as to what is wanted or whether the thing asked for is wanted or not. It is the attitude of yes-no, yes-no, and yes-no, until God Himself cannot tell whether it is yes or no. One minute it is decided that a thing is wanted, and it may be wanted with some real desperation, but the next minute it is not so important. People who have wavering faith do not really make up their minds that they are going to see the fight of faith through to an answer. They would accept the answer if it would come without any hesitation or effort on their part, but to take the necessary steps to get an answer or to fight in the least for the thing that is asked, is another question. 12.
UNWAVERING FAITH (Heb. This is faith refusing to doubt, wonder, question, or reason about one detail of what one has asked for from God. It has absolute confidence that what was asked is according to the Word of God, and therefore it knows that prayer is answered. It rests upon the promises as the basis of the answer, instead of upon feelings and things seen. It refuses to act contrary to what it has asked or to question in the least any delay in an answer. It counts the thing done regardless of all outward evidences to the contrary. It laughs at impossibilities and goes on in utmost confidence that what God has promised He is able to perform. It gives thanks for the answer from the moment it asks and looks forward in child-like expectation of getting it. 13. HUMAN
FAITH (Mark 14.
DIVINE FAITH (Heb. 11:3; Gal. Men will have to exercise faith in the infinite throughout eternity, for there will always be the necessity of having confidence in God and His eternal plan concerning those matters that the finite has not yet comprehended of the infinite (Isa. 32:17). If faith will be necessary in eternity, how much more is it needed now when we do not know as we are also known. This life is the probationary period of the eternal existence of human beings, and it is necessary to learn faith and obedience to carry out the plan of God for man both now and forever. Faith is acting on the Word of God, and this will be necessary throughout eternity because God will eternally give the saved His Word and make known His will concerning all things to come. Thus it
is clear that God has faith, Christ has faith, the Holy Spirit has faith
angels have faith, demons have faith (James The history of mankind and of angels and demons proves that God has been good merciful, loving, kind, and consecrated to the best good of all creation. Not one person in moral creation can point a finger of accusation that God has dealt with him unjustly. No one can today testify that God has been unfaithful to him if he has done the will of God and conformed to the Word of God in faith. Not one free moral agent can accuse God of the least degree of unfaithfulness in any dealing. Not one will be able in all eternity to accuse Him of being a respecter of persons. God has been and always will be good to all. He longs to bless all men today. He will heal of every disease, save from every sin and bad habit, deliver from failure and poverty, and answer every prayer that is prayed in faith in the name of Jesus Christ. He longs to do what He has promised to do. He desires to supply all needs of men, but He will not break His own law by blessing those who do not have faith. He has laid down plain laws of faith whereby any and every man can get what he wants in life, and He as going to hold man to obedience to these laws before He grants the desires of man. If man wants the benefits, then let him intelligently obey the laws of God to the letter, and by so doing he will get what God has promised. If the benefits are not worth the price, then let him not complain that he is not supplied. If then art worth the simple effort to get them as God has made clear, then don't doubt or waver one moment as to the outcome. It is already settled that the benefits are guaranteed and sure if true, simple, childlike faith is exercised. There is no longer any question about this if we believe the Bible; so let this be settled forever. Confess
Who You Are in Christ These
confessions when spoken aloud will cause the energy of faith to rise to
new levels in your heart. You will be
quickened to operate in a higher level of faith and expectation. (This link requires Adobe Acrobat Reader) Unlimited
Possibilities By taking these
scriptures and the principles of God’s Word, you can access the unlimited
possibilities for your life. Substance is given to your world through your
choice of words! (This link requires Adobe Acrobat Reader) Back to Faith Link to the
“short list” of 99
benefits of the 750 New Testament promises The Key That Unlocks All Promises Link to the
list of 250 separate
benefits of the 750 New Testament promises “Beloved,
I wish above all things that you
may prosper and be in health, even as your soul
prospers.” – 3 John 1:2 See the reality of evil, Satan, or the
devil See the bondage of unrighteousness
(sin) and corruption See The Source of Sin, Sicknesses,
and Diseases See How to Get Health and
Healing From God This site
relies mostly on the “King James Version” (KJV) of the Bible. Here are
some of the reasons. Link to God's Plan for Mankind Thank you Finis Jennings Dake
and Dake Publishing Thank you Derek Prince Ministries and
his book Faith to Live By